Longbottom Farm LLC

At Longbottom Farm, we are a small family farm composed of a family of five; a husband and wife team, accompanied by our three daughters, whom we affectionately refer to as “farmhands-in-training”. We are so blessed to be able to instill a love of animals, respect for the land, and the value of a hard days work in our girls. We also work off farm jobs as health care practitioners. Yep, we take care of people too! Our experience in health care has highlighted the importance of access to healthy, nutrient dense, locally grown food.

Like many of you, there’s a need to know how the food we eat is produced, and the answer isn’t readily available unless you know your farmer. The ability to see how the animals benefit not only us, but also the land, is a connection that is lost among today’s current supermarket offerings. Reestablishing that connection is what sets Longbottom Farm apart. We follow nature’s lead and work with the land instead of against it. That means you get a premium product from humanely raised animals, while at the same time supporting local and “going green”. That’s what Longbottom Farm is all about and why we love what we do!

If any of these values resonate with you, we would love to be your farmer! Allow us to provide you with some of the best tasting, nutrient-dense meat and eggs in central Virginia. We are the open, transparent farm we wanted to see. Let us be that farm for you.